Following feedback received at our Spring 2023 General Meeting, our Trail Director has implemented a new operating model to help spread the responsibility of the role into more manageable chunks which enabled a significant amount of dirt work to happen during Fall 2023. Thanks also to Club President, Michael Morgan who played a huge role in coordinating contractors and volunteer efforts.
Your 2023-2024 volunteer Trail Crew are:
Your 2023-2024 volunteer Trail Crew are:
- Trail Director: Matt Wild
- Winter Trails Coordinator: Geo Rawlins
- Summer Trails Coordinator: Cam Harris
- Multi-Use Trails Coordinator: Franco Carlacci
Fall 2024: Recent photos of infrastructure improvements:
Other trail improvements in Sept 2024 include:
- Biathlon to Arch return; shaved bump and filled in hole, adjusted camber on that downhill, unfortunately also picked up a section of trail lighting cable that will be repaired
- Biathlon penalty loop; cut back the inside edge and filled in holes around roots
- Entrance to Biathlon Stadium; cut out a couple of high spots and filled in depressions
- Biathlon EcoAims range; smoothed and filled east end
- South Blue just prior to first swampy section; skimmed and filled in bike trail depression
- South Blue/Burgess intersection; smoothed, widened by filling inside corner
- South Blue/Burgess bypass hill; skimmed and filled in ruts
- South Blue to Centre Blue intersection at Big Antler Junction; smoothed downhill and removed stump on inside corner
- Dog Trail connector to Centre Blue at Big Antler Junction; pushed back encroaching debris, widened and smoothed
- Centre Blue back towards Shaw Cabin; skimmed and filled in ruts and depression
- Centre Blue first climb; skimmed and filled depressions
- Centre Blue removed stumps near trail edge
- Centre Blue bump just prior to North Stadium; skimmed and filled in depressions
- North Stadium; grade trail to Chalet, eliminate erosion channels
- North Blue; removed windfall at multiple locations
- North Blue throughout; knocked down vegetation
- Centre Blue leading up to Camelback Hills intersection; skim centre and fill depressions multiple sections
- Blue Moon; remove windfall
- Meadow Hill final downhill bump; smooth and fill erosion channels
Fall 2023: Check out the work below that happened this Fall to improve low spots, level out some corners, remove some bumps, chip deadfall and stack firewood! All we need now is snow!